View Supplier Information in a variety of ways within Forecast.Live

View Supplier Info in a variety of ways

Once you've sync'd Forecast.Live with your Business System, you can view your Supplier information in a variety of ways.

Click on Suppliers:

Once the Supplier table is displayed, right click (arrow pointing below) on the Column heading to display another menu:

You can make changes to your table from here.

For example, you can Choose Columns or Hide Columns and display the headings that suit you.

If you click on Column Chooser, this frame will appear, on the bottom right:

You can also Drag a Column header to group, like so:

You may also want to add an action, on the fly, by clicking on Action List. 
Read more about adding Actions HERE:

Need further information

Happy to help - pop us an email to Support@Plus.Live

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