Sending Select Reminders
Scenario: Send Reminder for Upcoming Invoices (due month end)
Let's look at how to send a Reminder to your Customers with upcoming invoices, due by the end of this month. Click on Send Select Reminders, on the left hand menu: Head across to the Due Date Column: Can't see that column? Right click on any column ...
Scenario: Send Reminder to MOST overdue
So you want to remind your most overdue (outstanding) Customers that they need to pay you? Click on Send Select Reminders: Choose Filter: Choose 60 Days + overdue: Choose Select All: The selected invoices now appear in Green. Choose Preview Invoice ...
Introduction to Send Select Reminders
The Send Select Reminders menu allows the User to send Reminders to select individuals or groups of Customers who need reminding. These Customers could also be upcoming "for payment." Note: by default, this screen will send NO reminders - you must ...