FAQ (Customers)
How do Credit payments against my Customers appear?
There's one of two ways that these payments can appear against the Customer: Case 1. The Payment is allocated against an Invoice in the Business System. When the payment is allocated, the payment amount is simply deducted from the Invoice. No ...
From what email are the Invoice Reminders Sent?
Emails sent from Plus.Live come from the email address noreply@plus.live. The main reason for this is that most mailboxes have fairly good spam/scam detection, and an email from an address that doesn't match the mail server (eg the email is ...
I have just sent my Reminders in Forecast.Live, but the customers have not been emailed yet
When you send reminders, the emails are placed into a queue and typically take up to 15 minutes to process (though an internal error may cause it to take longer). You can view your sent emails from Admin Menu -> Setup -> Email History We suggest ...