Why Snapshot.Live for your reporting and Business Intelligence requirements?

Why Snapshot.Live for your reporting and Business Intelligence requirements?

Why should I use Snapshot.Live?

If you're familiar with the Business Intelligence software space, you will understand that it's a very competitive industry.

There's lots of B.I. options and more than enough jargon but at the end of the day, businesses want clear, easy to understand data to help them make good decisions about their business.

They want a solution with:

  1. An immediate impact;
  2. Low cost of implementation;
  3. The flexibility to customise the information and data they want to see, quicky and easily.

Snapshot.Live was developed with a sole focus of making it easier, cheaper and faster for small to medium businesses to implement and gain significant benefit from a low cost Business Intelligence solution.

Where does Snapshot.Live excel?

Anyone that has experienced the pain of implementing a Bsiness Intelligence solution will understand the time and cost in expertise to have Dashboards and Reports developed.

  1. We reduce this cost significantly by providing "ready to go" Connectors to your Business Software;
  2. AND a set of Community Dashboards that provide that immediate insight;
  3. We let you or your Business Partner copy our Community Dashboards to customise them and lower the cost of establishing your key business KPI's and reports; 
  4. AND we have one of the most open solutions allowing you to connect to multiple Business Systems and Databases,providing a single solution that can report across many systems. 

We offer a free 1 User version of Snapshot.Live so any Customer can feel and experience how we deliver fantastic business insight in under 30 minutes setup.

Pricing and information here:

Need further information? Submit a ticket (see below) or if you’re not reading this on our online Help Guide, pop an email to Support@Plus.Live

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