Weekly and Daily Forecast Views
Forecast.Live's Cashflow Forecaster allows each Forecast to default to a Daily or Weekly view.
To do this, head to the Default View pull down menu (in the Forecast Setup area) ad set the appropriate setting
- Forecast Settings -> Add/Edit/Copy Forecast Tabs
Weeks are set to Monday to Sunday inclusive, and the chart area shows only weeks that have not yet begun (I.E. not the week you are currently in).
Debtors and Creditors Invoices that are due (or have been moved to appear due) during the current week are placed into the Overdue column for completeness' sake.
Cashflow forecasts can also be temporarily viewed in the other format.
- Go to Forecast Settings -> Toggle Daily/Weekly while the desired Forecast is active.

This view type is temporary, and does not apply across different Users, sessions, or browser changes.
All of the functionality between the two views is identical except for the manual entry of data on a date done by typing into a cell.
Typing into a cell when the Forecast is in Weekly mode will apply that data to the Sunday at the end of that week.
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