View all Customers with Credit Balances

View all Customers with Credit Balances

This is pretty easy to view.

Click on the Customers tab, on the left hand menu:

Once your Customer table is displayed, you can Customise your view:

You can sort, group, filter and choose columns to suit. Try it out:

Once you're happy with your view, let's look at viewing information by Balance, to see who we owe money too. Gulp.

Find the Balance Column.
If the Balance column is not showing, right click on a column heading and scroll down to Column Chooser

Outstanding Balances should appear here.

To see Customers in Credit, just click on the down arrow (or up arrow, if no down arrow is visible):

Customers with Credit Balances will now appear:

And there you have it.

Need any further information?

Send an email to Support@Plus.Live - we're happy to help.

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