Replenishment for Jobs in Inventory Replenishment

Replenishment for Jobs

There are 5 easy steps to processing an order into your Accounting system:

  1. Modify the SQL Scripts (if needed).

This SQL scripts supplied will work immediately. If the User needs to modify the calculation or logic, this will occur before generating the Suggested Order.

  1. Confirm Suggested Orders.

The SQL scripts will create a Suggested Order and show those orders on the grid, in Green. Modify or accept for processing.

  1. Create the Order. 

This step creates the Purchase Order, or Manufacture / Job order and provides some order processing options.

  1. Save the XML File.

Once the User has pressed GENERATE, the order is generated into an XML file and saved into a folder

  1. Open Data Automator (DA) and import the file.

This step imports the order into the Accounting Software.

Reminder – Data Automator from Plus Software is a tool that allows businesses to set up automatic imports and exports into and out of the accounting software. For more information, see here

If using DA with Inventory Replenishment, there is no additional cost to the DA app.

Step 1: Modify the SQL Scripts:

Once Inventory Replenishment has been installed and the SQL scrips have been ordered and uploaded, the user will immediately be presented with a Suggested Order. However, if there is a need to modify the Script, this can be done in the Grid View Queries tab.

The SQL script can be modified by the User if there are sufficient SQL skills within the business or your Authorised Partner will be able to change the SQL script to the optimal Suggested Order.

Step 2: Confirm Suggested Orders

Once the SQL Script has been modified, the Suggested Order quantity will now be displayed, if the SQL scripts produces a DEMAND and there is a Supplier Associated. 

The Grid will now show the Suggested Order highlighted in Green:

You can choose to process orders by any number of column headings at this point. For example, you can process orders by Supplier Name. 

  1. Click on the Supplier Name Column;

  2. Choose Supplier (in the example below this is Demonstration Supplier);

  3. And the Suggested Order(s)for that Supplier will now be displayed (in green).

Remember, in terms of Grid Functionality, the user can:

  • Hide columns, filter, override Suggested Order, change supplier etc. See previous chapter for a further explanation;

  • Right Click and Enquire;

  • Save Data at this time;

  • Export data to Excel. This will export the entire grid to Excel, unfiltered. 

Note Inventory Replenishment will process the Suggested Order based on what is filtered and shown on the screen at the time. 

For example, if you filter by location 1, and you process the order by clicking on the Create Saved Purchase Order, the Suggested Order will prepare a purchase order for Location 1 only.

Step 3: Create the Order

Once you’re ready to process the Suggested Order, click on the Create Job Orders (or Purchase Order or Manufacture Order) tab, under Replenishment:

The following screen will appear:

The User needs to decide at this point if there is a need to split records up by Job:

  • With this option TICKED, orders will be processed one by one, in individual jobs.

  • If NOT TICKED, the order will be processed into one Job Order.

Step 4: Generate the Order

The order will now be saved into a folder. This folder is determined by the Settings Tab:


The order is saved as an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file. 

The format is designed to carry data in a simplified way in plain text. This provides a software and hardware independent way of transporting the data into the Accounting software.

Step 5: Open Data Automator and import the file into Sybiz Vision

As mentioned earlier, Data Automator (an app for automatic importing and exporting of information into and out of the Accounting System, developed by Plus Software) is included as part of the Inventory Replenishment Subscription. There is no additional cost if the use is solely for the import of Orders into Sybiz Vision.

See here for more information about Data Automator:

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