The Monthly Forecast screen allow a user to forecast out on a monthly basis, using either the Plus Software pre-defined P&L Format, or one that is created custom by the user.
Here's an explanation of what you can see and do on the Monthly Forecast screen:

Let's look at the two different tabs, above the RIBBON bar (shown in red above):
Home Tab (Top row)
- Most of the labels are self explanatory.
- The Clear Cache button forces the page to re-load the entire spreadsheet control, and applies any changes you may have made to the Report Categories or parameters.
Forecasts Tab
Categories and Accounts:
Categories: Categories appear as Bold. Those with children also have a ▸ symbol if it can be expanded, or ▾ if it is already expanded.
In the image above, Net Profit has a calculation "=[Sales] - [COGS]". The cells F7 and G7 translate and apply this function as =F3 - F5 and =G3 - G5 respectively to get the correct values.
Accounts: GL Accounts assigned to the Category are shows as "CODE - NAME" and appear as non-bolded text. The Actual values for the Accounts are the sum of all transactions in the business system during the appropriate month. Actuals for a GL Account are derived from the Budget selected in the Ribbon, which will be covered in more detail later.
Past Months: Months that are complete are evaluated and shown as a breakdown of Actual, Budget, Variance and % Variance. The latter two columns are conditionally formatted based on whether the Category has been assigned as Income or Not in the Report Builder.
Future Months: Months that are not yet complete are rendered as Future Months, and only show Budgetary values
Forecast Totals: A simple total of the Row's totals. The Forecast Total column is the sum of Past Months' Actuals + sum of Future Months' Budgets. The Budget totals are the sum of Budgetary values for Past and Future Months.
The Ribbon: Where the user can take actions on this page.
Add/Edit Report Formats: Opens the Report Format Builder page in a new tab for quick editing.
Budget Customising Section: The user can:
-Select a Budget from the Business System or use the Previous Year's Actuals to fill the Budget columns of the Forecast
-Select a Report format (or the Plus Software Default P&L View) to view the Forecast
-Override the start and end dates to see a specific time-frame
Show All/Hide To Top Level:
-Expand all Categories to show all Children and GL Accounts in this Forecast
-Collapse all Categories and display only the Top-Level Categories from the Report Builder
That's all there is to it. You're skilled up and ready to start forecasting using Custom Reports and Budgetary data from your system!
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