When clicking on the Replenishment menu and the Manufacturing Replenishment tab, the user is able to view the grid containing the Suggested Order for Manufacture.
Let’s run through the Ribbon Bar:
Create Saved Manufacture Orders
Once the Suggested Order has been created (see Running your First Inventory Replenishment Chapter for more information) the user is ready to create a Manufacture Order. Click on the Create Saved Manufacture Records tab:
The follow-on screen offers a number of options:
Manufacture Issue or Manufacture Order
In Sybiz Vision, the user can choose to start their Manufacturing process with either a Manufacture Order or a saved Manufacture Issue. In this screen the User can choose to automatically create either Processed Manufacture Orders or Saved Manufacture issues for the items that need to be manufactured to meet demand (i.e. the replenishment results).
To determine what process you should use, you should consult with your Sybiz Business Partner on your existing business processes.
Split Records up by Sales Orders
Tick this option to split the records by Sales Order. Each Sales Order transaction in your replenishment results will then have its own Manufacture Issue or Manufacture Order and include the Sales order number in the Description field.
Material List Generation
If creating Manufacture Issues only, you also have the option of creating the Materials list, which is the list of components required for the Manufacturing Issue being created.
In Sybiz Vision, when you raise the Materials List you can choose the level of Sub Assembly that you want to expand down to. For example, you may have 3 levels of Sub Assembly in your Bill of Material. If you select to Generate the Material list down to the second level, it will only show components that are required down to the second sub assembly level and will not show you the components required for the 3rd level only.