Initial setup of Sales.Live

Setup: Connected Mode set up of Sales.Live

Article Summary

This article explains the initial steps to get Sales.Live setup in Connected Mode.

We assume that you have already created an online account with Plus.Live and setup a trial or paid plan to Sales.Live. If not, see this section on Plus.Live . Of particular importance is the installation and configuration of the Data Connector to your Business System - see here

Check Data Connection in Sales.Live & Configuring Sync Options

Once you have completed the install of the Data Connector, you can check that you can see your Data Connection from within Sales.Live.

To do this, select Setup from the Main Menu:

This will display the Setup screen.

In the top left corner, click on the text "Connected Mode - Not Enabled".

Turn on Connected Mode.

The following Configuration Screen will display:

This is the screen that you can connect Sales.Live to the Data Connector, and configure the data sychronisation details. 

Select the Data Connection you configured in the Data Connector in the Data Connection Field.

You should see it in the list automatically if your Data Connector is configured correctly.  If not, re-do, or ask for help.

You can now configure the sync options on this page.

Specific Business System Syncing Information

Important: Before completing the sync options, it's important to read our syncing article on your specific business system. 

You can view sync articles on your specific Business System here.

Need further information?

Submit a ticket by sending an email to Support@Plus.Live.

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