The Account Forecasts page is designed to give the user insights into the transaction history and Machine Learning model generated for each General Ledger Account.
The Past data trend is what we use to determine if a pattern exists, and how it should behave.
It can be used to visually assess incoming/outgoing patterns in the data, and build your own schedules in the Cashflow screen.
The Graph
- Past daily movements against the General Ledger account.
- Pink Line - Results of the Machine Learning prediction algorithm for future dates.
- Purple dots - End of Month days, for ease of viewing.

Note that the chart can be hovered over to get the exact Dates and Amounts at the cursor location
The Cart Range Selector
- The Range Selector Tabs - Click and drag these to change how much of the main chart is shown.
The GL Accounts Table
- The search bar - Use this to filter which GL accounts appear below (note that this searches Code AND Name.
- Account Codes - Click an account code to view it on the chart above.
- Account Names.
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